The Zambia Trade Information Portal (ZTIP) is a one-stop platform for all information relating to import and export into and out of Zambia and transit through Zambia. The portal is hosted by the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry (MCTI) in conjunction with Smart Zambia Institute (SZI) on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) through its various Government agencies involved in trade. On this trade portal, traders are able to get information about all the regulatory requirements they need to comply with in order to carry out their transactions. In some cases, the portal also contains soft copies of the necessary forms that you as a trader will need complete so as to submit to a relevant government agency whether electronically or physically. The ZTIP contains regulatory requirements enforced by various government agencies. This trade portal will assist you in finding out what is required by each agency in relation to your specific area of business. The following are the agencies represented on this trade portal and if you require further information specifically for one of these agencies you can view each agency's own website by following the links below (please click on the various icons).


The Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry (MCTI) is Zambia’s principal Government body responsible for administering national policy for private sector development. It coordinates industrial, commercial and trade matters and liaises with various public and private sector organisations to facilitate the implementation of government sector policies related to trade and industry. MCTI’s mission statement is to facilitate and promote the growth, development and competitiveness of commercial, trade and industrial sectors in order to enhance socio-economic development.In support of this mission statement, and to give MCTI a specific focus and direction, the set-out goal of the Ministry is to develop sustainable and globally competitive commercial, trade and industrial base in order to contribute to the social economic development of Zambia Through this goal, MCTI articulates policies, develops legislation and creates an environment that focusses on making the Zambian commercial, trade, and industrial base sustainable and globally competitive.

Website: Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry


In Zambia Agriculture plays a key role of supporting industries by the production of the required raw materials , producing exportable agricultural goods, generating employment particularly in rural areas, as well as providing food stuffs essential for the sustenance of acceptable nutrition standards and levels. Following are the key objectives of Ministry of Agriculture: (a) To achieve the Government’s role, the ministry has the following objectives, (b) To effectively plan, monitor and evaluate agricultural sector programmes; (c) To promote agricultural production by provinding policy guidelines to action programmes, (d) To facilitate the policies that would ensure national and regional food security through dependable annual production of adequate suppliesf basic food stuffs at competetive prices; (e) To ensure that the existing agricultural resource base is well maintained and improved upon To ensure that policies are formulated and implemented to facilitate the generation of income and employment to maximum feasible levels in all regions through full utilisation of scarce resources realization of domestic and export potential; (f) To provide policy and institutional framework that would contribute to sustainable industrial development; and (g) To ensure the contribution of the agricultural sector to the national balance of payments expands by among other things, by providing incentives that would expand agricultural export in line with international comparative advantage.

Website: Ministry of Agriculture


The Mandate of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock is anchored on Government Gazette Notice No. 183 of 2012. Its portfolio functions include: (a) Animal Health, (b) Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, (c) Livestock and Veterinary Research, (d) Veterinary and Fisheries training, (e) Fisheries and Livestock Extension, (f) Livestock Identification and Traceability, (g) Dairy Industry Development Fisheries and Management Development, (h) Livestock Development, (i) Tsetse Control and ecology. The Ministry is also responsible for the following statutory Bodies and institutions: Fisheries and Livestock training institutions, Dairy Industry Development Board, Veterinary Council of Zambia, Livestock Development trust

Website: Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock


The Mandate of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock is anchored on Government Gazette Notice No. 183 of 2012. Its portfolio functions include: (a) Animal Health, (b) Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, (c) Livestock and Veterinary Research, (d) Veterinary and Fisheries training, (e) Fisheries and Livestock Extension, (f) Livestock Identification and Traceability, (g) Dairy Industry Development Fisheries and Management Development, (h) Livestock Development, (i) Tsetse Control and ecology. The Ministry is also responsible for the following statutory Bodies and institutions: Fisheries and Livestock training institutions, Dairy Industry Development Board, Veterinary Council of Zambia, Livestock Development trust

Website: Ministry of Health


The Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development is responsible for the development and management of mineral resources in a sustainable manner for the benefit of the people of Zambia. MISSION: To ensure sustainable mining and petroleum resources production for economic development. VISION: A Smart and Value-centred Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development. CORE VALUES: In line with the National Values and Principles as well as pursuant to our mission, the Ministry shall be guided by Six (6) Core Values in its operations and the members of staff, will be expected to exhibit the values in their behavior and conduct. The core values are; i) Transparency – We uphold transparency by sharing information and effectively communicating with each other and the public. ii) Accountability – We are responsible for every action taken or not taken in the course of duty and are liable to any consequences. iii) Integrity – We are honest, morally upright and conduct ourselves beyond reproach. iv) Patriotism – We put the interest of the citizens first in the management of mineral resources. v) Objectivity – We are open and base our advice and decisions on unbiased and rigorous analysis of the evidence, vi) Innovativeness – We are open to new ways of doing things in the development of the mining industry

Website: Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development


The Forestry Department under the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources is established under the Forests Act No. 4 of 2015. The core function of the department is to spearhead sustainable management of the forest resources across the country. Currently, there are two branches under the Forestry Department; one, dealing with extension services and the other dealing with forest research. Each of the ten provinces of Zambia has a Provincial Forestry Office and the department is also represented in almost all the districts, and district forest offices are being set up in the newly created districts. Mission Statement: “To ensure sustainable flow of wood and non-wood forest product and services while at the same time ensuring protection and maintenance of biodiversity for the benefit of the present and future generations through the active participation of all stakeholders.” Apart from the National Forest Policy and Forests Act, the operations of the forestry department are guided by key national documents such as the National Development Plan (NDP), Vision 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals the National Strategy to Reduce Deforestation and Forest Degradation, the Investment Plan to reduce Deforestation and Forest Degradation and Zambia Forestry Action Programme.

Website: Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources


The Ministry of Tourism and Art was created on 10th July 2011 after realignment of Government Ministries by His Excellency Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata, the President of Republic of Zambia. This brought together the portfolio functions of tourism from former Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism and the portfolio functions of Culture from the Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs. This was done in order to streamline and rationalise the functions and operations of the tourism and cultural sector.

Website: Ministry of Tourism and Arts


The Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority formally the Pharmaceutical Regulatory Authority is the Statutory National Medicines Regulatory Body for Zambia established under an Act of Parliament, the Medicines and Allied Substances Act No. 3 of 2013 of the Laws of Zambia (An Act to continue the existence of the Pharmaceutical Regulatory Authority and re-name it as the Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority;) to regulate and control the manufacture, importation, storage distribution, supply, sale and use of medicines and allied substances. The main objective of the Authority is to ensure that all medicines and allied substances being made available to the Zambian people consistently meet the set standards of quality, safety and efficacy.

Website: Zambia Medicines Regulatory Agency

The Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) was formed in 1994, as a semi-autonomous agency under the Zambia Revenue Authority Act, Chapter 321 of the Laws of Zambia. The Authority is charged with the responsibility of collecting revenue on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Zambia under the supervision of the Minister of Finance. ZRA's main responsibilities are to: (a) properly assess and collect taxes and duties at the right time, (b) ensure that all monies collected are properly accounted for and banked, (c) properly enforce all relevant statutory provisions, (d) provide statistical information on revenue to the Government, (e) provide advice to the Ministry of Finance on aspects of tax policy (f) Facilitate international trade. The main taxes we administer are: (a) Value Added Tax, (b) Income tax, (c) Paye As You Earn, (d) Withholding Tax, (e) Customs duty, (f) Excise duty, (g)Property Transfer Tax, (h) Mineral Royalty

Website: Zambia Revenue Authority


The Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency (ZCSA) was established to administer, maintain and ensure compliance to compulsory standards. This is aimed at ensuring public health, safety and protection of the environment are maintained. Through its mandate the ZCSA facilitates growth of trade and the manufacturing industry in Zambia. The Agency started operations on 1st January 2018 and has been conducting activities aimed at fully operationalising the Agency’s mandate, following the implementation of the National Quality Policy. The ZCSA supports industrial growth through inspections and approval of products regulated by means of compulsory standards. Inspections are conducted so that products which are sold or imported onto the local market and those which are exported adhere to standards. These inspections are done through the Agency’s Import Quality Monitoring and Domestic Quality Monitoring departments. This, therefore, protects Zambian industry against unfair technical barriers to trade and competition; and this is done in collaboration with other Government agencies.

Website: Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency

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